AI powered MSHA regulatory and case law software

Access over 50 years of MSHA knowledge with AI to reveal insights and answers for compliance and citation appeals. Start saving now. Cross-reference case law with regulations and guidance documents in a single query.

AI-powered search Copilot

Get precise answers to your most pressing mining safety questions fast. Save hours every month.

Cross-reference MSHA guidance and case law

Now you have a curated database of MSHA coupled with Mark’s insights, a career mining attorney and prior MSHA Inspector.

Save thousands in citation costs

Build your strongest case possible in real time for the close-out

Access the full power of MSHA Wise when you subscribe.

All the answers to your MSHA questions in real time
  • The MSHA AI Copilot provides insights based on regulations, guidance and case law.

  • Use the knowledge base for proactive compliance and improved safety.

  • Prepare for closeouts and informal conferences in seconds
Activate even more value in your rate by increasing your research velocity 5x
  • Let the MSHA Case Law Copilot provide a summary and then dive into the cited source documents for your analysis.

  • Search & navigate the knowledge base to Immediately find the relevant regulations, guidance and case law.

  • Advanced filtering by part number, guidance type and other metadata to find the exact PPL, PIB or manual language you are looking for.
    Enhance your training with instant access to the regs, manuals and cases
    • Be better prepared without having to review pages and pages of material to find what you’re looking for.

    • Make your sessions more interactive using MSHAWise for exercises with the class.

    • Find the answers to your and your students’ questions in just seconds. 
      Some of our user testimonials

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae aliquam magna. Vestibulum feugiat tortor vitae scelerisque egestas. Nam varius nec dolor rhoncus gravida. Pellentesque pharetra, massa eget lobortis dictum, nunc metus facilisis urna, sed molestie nibh massa consectetur nisi.

      Marie Smith

      Ft. Lauderdale, FL

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae aliquam magna. Vestibulum feugiat tortor vitae scelerisque egestas. Nam varius nec dolor rhoncus gravida. Pellentesque pharetra, massa eget lobortis dictum, nunc metus facilisis urna, sed molestie nibh massa consectetur nisi.

      Marie Smith

      Ft. Lauderdale, FL

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque vitae aliquam magna. Vestibulum feugiat tortor vitae scelerisque egestas. Nam varius nec dolor rhoncus gravida. Pellentesque pharetra, massa eget lobortis dictum, nunc metus facilisis urna, sed molestie nibh massa consectetur nisi.

      Marie Smith

      Ft. Lauderdale, FL

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